Payroll management and social security insurance

Do you plan on outsourcing your payroll or changing service provider? MDS Solutions undertakes to provide each client with the right responses to their growth and optimisation challenges. To achieve this, we rely on 20 years’ experience in managing employment contracts, staff data, payroll processing and year-end closing.

Based on your company’s size and the business sector, our scalable solutions meet your specific challenges. It therefore becomes simple and efficient for us to occasionally or regularly include all or part of the human resources-related services and activities.

Contract management
Management of staff data
Monthly payroll processing,
Year-end closing.

Want to learn more about our payroll management rates and services ?

Want to learn more about our fiduciary and accounting services ?

Definition of administrative management of payroll and social security insurance

The administrative manager—who must have all the payroll management-related skills—ensures that the legal requirements linked to the sector of business in question are respected. They must also know the legislation pertaining to the world of work and specific to their changing environment. Their professional skills far extend that and include accounting and tax issues that will constantly arise.

The services we offer

Our services are scalable and consider your situation and wishes. They may be occasional or regular. Some require the use of HR management software; MDS Solutions takes care of the services on the client’s premises or directly from our head office.

Ask a specialist for advice and take the time to explain your needs to us


Contract management

employment, permits, affiliations with pension funds and other documents relating to undertakings and termination of employment relationships


Management of staff data

and contracts by the EDMS and in a secure online space accessible at any time.


Monthly payroll processing

with all the special cases (expatriates, etc.) Generation of payment file and account ledgers


Year-end closing.

Preparation and submission of online declarations on all platforms. Follow-up of final invoices


Management of undertakings and contract termination

Contract management is a key point in controlling the company’s risks and internal commitments. Our HR & accounting solution manages administrative tasks pertaining to these two tricky steps. Furthermore, we take care of all procedures, allowing a transparent and seamless transition for both the employer and employee.

Our commitments :

icone audition
Rigour in respecting legal standards*
icone ponctualité
Punctual submission of declarations to the tax and social security authorities
icone audition
Monitoring and sending reminders directly to your employees
icone audition
Constant communication with the parties

We act proactively where possible. This spares you the reminders, registered letters or the need to make potentially painful snap decisions.

The first step in our process includes preparing employment contracts and permit applications.

For the pension fund, MDS Solutions then manages the sending of rules and payment slips for the transfer of vested benefits to the employee and the affiliation announcement.
The next step is the employee’s social security affiliation (AVS, etc.), including any exemptions. The new employees’ data are entered into the Swiss payroll management ERP system and access codes for the e-documents sent.

30-minute telephone interview with an advisor


Management of staff data, and contracts

The activity of managing staff data, and contracts implies constantly updating the data in the Payroll ERP system.

This may be done online by MDS and the client’s HR department or even by the employee through a personal App. This application also allows employees to send information such as expenses claims and hours worked. There, employees find all documents concerning them, payslips, correspondence and insurance claims.

These documents will be approved by HR and make the payroll process easier.

Our commitments

Rigour in data entry
or control
Management of access and
monitoring of data availability
Management with the payroll
software integrator

We are committed to making you benefit from our knowledge of Swiss law and regulations. Furthermore, our Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is a precious tool that will help us without generating tonnes of paper or folders to be archived. Comparing social security insurance rates also generates huge savings.

MDS Solutions handles the administrative formalities, leaving you to focus on your main job.

Choose simplicity with MDS Solutions :

Request a quote

Here is an overview of the operations we handle as part of our staff management offer :

  • Obtaining work permits
  • Drafting contracts and legal documents
  • Drafting correspondence
  • Recording working time, managing attendance and absences
  • Monitoring absenteeism and the gradual return to work
  • Managing assets entrusted to employees
  • Performance follow-up and analysis by post
Payroll processing based on a schedule prepared together at the start of the year
Prompt processing and submission of bank documents
Consideration of digitalised variables to avoid errors and delays
Storage of information on a protected site in Switzerland

Payroll processing

MDS takes care of all your payroll processing. You still have permanent access to the database and will benefit from solutions that guarantee accurate payslips and reports.

Payroll processing is the central component of our HR activity. MDS Solution is based on team building, both internally and externally.

With MDS, your payroll processing is secure and you are guaranteed they are compliant. You remain in control of your data, you focus of your main job and you delegate the complexity of payroll processing to our experts.

Here is an overview of the operations we handle as part of the Swiss online payroll management offer :

  • Calculation of salaries by considering fixed and variable remuneration elements
  • Preparation of DTA payment files
  • Preparation of monthly and annual statements and salary declarations
  • Issuing of payslips and certificates
  • Issuing of account ledgers
  • Preparation of certificates

For insurance, we take care of :

  • Managing social security insurance (AVS, LPP, accident insurance, etc.)
  • Managing private insurance (loss of profit, any potential complementary insurance)

Year-end closing

Thanks to our SwissDec4-guaranteed system, the withholding tax, AVS and other social security insurance statements are sent via the available web platforms. This reduces delay and costs in processing year-end closing operations.


of salaries with financial accounting


submission of declarations in e-Document format via web platforms


facilitated over the following year

MDS Solutions proposes a high-quality of service to ensure that, in accordance with the applicable tax and social insurance laws, the software programmes are always up to date.

Each employee presented to you is an HR specialist and together we plan regular follow-up points and a systematic communication regarding important facts. Finally, all documents entrusted to us are kept in complete security in accordance with law.

Your advantages

By outsourcing these functions, you eliminate hidden costs and investments (pooling), by leaving everything to the specialists. Our integrated systems contain all the information from supplier and salary modules.

The advantages of outsourcing your company’s payroll management and social security insurance.

A wide array of possible choices thanks to our scalable solution
Competitive prices thanks to the integrated solution
Environmental management thanks to digitalisation  
Transparency and prompt information through an online reporting system